USA Sprinkler Fitters Association on the Board of the Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition - (6/30/2009)
The USA Sprinkler Fitters Association has become a Boardmember organization on the Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition (HFSC). The nonprofit HFSC is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and the leading resource for independent, noncommercial information about residential fire sprinklers. The HFSC was formed in 1996 in response to the tremendous need to inform the public about the life-saving value of home fire sprinkler protecton.
The HFSC has developed educational material with details about automatic home fire sprinkler systems, how they work, why they provide affordable protection and answers to common myths and misconceptions about their operation. These materials are available upon request. You may find the HFSC at www.homefiresprinkler.org
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